Scotland Neck Historic Walking Tour

Noah Biggs House
814 Church Street
Two-and-one-half story frame Queen Anne-style house ; high-hipped roof with pedimented two-story large gable dormer with Palladian-influenced windows and dentil cornice;, bracketed by smaller hipped-roof dormers; decorative windows with large diamond panes surrounded by colored glass panes; elaborately ornamented porch.. Built for James O. Camp, a local farmer and acquired by Noah Biggs in 1872. Biggs, a Civil War veteran was one of the founders of the Scotland Neck Cotton Mill in 1889.
Biggs Building Annex
1002 Main Street
From 1903 until early 1920s, this building served as the clothing and grocery departments for Burroughs-Pittman-Wheeler, a general mercantile firm located in adjacent Biggs Building; the second floor was added after 1930.